Why labradoodles are the best dogs.


A Labradoodle (Pronounced ‘Best Dog Breed Ever’) is a designer dog that was first bred by mating a Standard Poodle with a Labrador Retriever.

In Australia, these dogs are increasingly becoming popular at the dog park. They’re loved by thousands of Aussie families across the country because they’re a happy, active, friendly, & warm-hearted breed.

Here are some of the reasons why we believe Labradoodles are the best dog (ever)

Sociable & intelligent dogs

When you train your Labradoodle from an early age, they become intelligent and observable dogs.This is because they’re known as a highly sociable breed and are keen to get it amongst the others canines at the park.

Worried that they won’t get along with everyone in the house? Don’t sweat it. Whether you already have other dogs or a cat, a Labradoodle is best known for socialising with everyone and anyone. It doesn’t have to be strictly a dog-to-dog or dog-to-human interaction. In fact, a Labradoodle is just as interested in being introduced to new environments, noises, objects, and smells, too.

Socialising is important for your Labradoodle to learn and understand to be confident in new scenarios and situations. It makes them a fantastic choice as the ultimate buddy for your new adventures!

As an intelligent and active breed, Labradoodles crave mental stimulation. As an owner, you can provide this for them: a trip to the dog park, interactive games, walks, hikes, or a change in environment. A new environment is also great for you and your Labradoodle to form a stronger bond!

If socialised and trained early, these dogs do well with mental stimulation and can easily handle new environments. Training sessions can also be used as mental stimulation so you can be sure the both of you will never get bored.

They’re good family dogs & easy to train

Because Labradoodles can come in different sizes, it makes them an excellent choice for a family home dog. Lead a busy life? Maybe a miniature size dog will suit your lifestyle. Or, if you’re more on the active size, perhaps you might go for a dog that is a little larger that you can use as a running buddy.

These dogs are also one of the most intelligent breeds around town! This is due to several reasons:

  • Both the Poodle & Labrador retriever parents are listed in the top 10 most intelligent breeds
  • The Labradoodle is a people pleaser.When they see their owner is happy, it makes them happy, too. Happy human, happy dog!
  • Because of its Labrador Retriever genes, they are an extremely family-orientated dog. A Labradoodle will do anything for food and are prepared to focus, learn, and succeed – as long as a treat is in your hand.

Labradoodles pick up what you teach them during training sessions very quickly. Trainingone in the basic commands of “sit, stay & down” usually takes a couple of days. The trick is to make training as fun and enjoyable as possible with rewards for good behaviour.

An easy-to-train breed like a Labradoodle makes an excellent choice for first-time puppy owners because they don’t require a lot of experience to ensure they mature into a well-trained canine.

They’re low shedding & becoming increasingly popular

Suffering already from hay fever or a change in season? It’s a struggle at best, and having dog hair over your couch doesn’t make it any easier. But, if you’re still on the hunt for a dog, you can’t go wrong with a Labradoodle. This dog is considered to be low shedding or even hypoallergenic. This is especially true when your dog’s coat is fleece-like or woolly in texture.

This means that their grooming requirements are much less than other dogs! Yet, we still recommend regular grooming care for your Labradoodle, which will help introduce them to the routine and the brush.However, it must be mentioned that depending on the coat your dog inherits, there may still be some level of shedding.

Due to their grooming requirements, appealing characteristics and family-orientated nature, this breed is becoming increasingly popular. Looking to adopt one for your family home?

They’re highly adaptable and make excellent therapy dogs

We’ve all heard of “happy wife, happy life”, right? Well, the same could be said of your Labradoodle. This is because they are highly adaptable and fit well in various situations. Labradoodles are versatile for many reasons, such as:

  • They have an easy-going personality
  • Labradoodles come in different sizes
  • Their warm temperament

As long as you can keep up with their exercise needs, it doesn’t matter whether your house is small or you live in an apartment. These dogs will remain happy.

Fun fact: Labradoodles were initially bred to act as guide dogs for those who required a hypoallergenic breed! As a result, they’ve been known to become the greatest therapy and working dogs; they’re a natural!

Their personality means they’re affectionate and intelligent. A Labradoodle’s understanding of nature means they can easily work and create connections with anyone who requires assistance.

In Australia, Labradoodles are frequently used as therapy dogs to help those in need.
