Everything you need to know when adding a puppy to your family


So, you’ve just brought home your first puppy. You’re excited, your partner is enthusiastic, and the kids are bouncing off the walls. Everyone is so happy that a new family member is in the house. And guess what? So is the puppy!

But it doesn’t take long before those happy faces are wiped away by what it means to actually have a puppy. Puppies are bundles of energy that are too curious about their new surroundings. Anything and everything become so stimulating that it isn’t inherently safe from the jaws of your little fella. It ain’t that much different from raising a toddler. Except you’ll need a lot of patience to watch over your puppy and keep them out of trouble!

If you’ve just brought home a new dog or are looking to add a new family member, you’ll need to be prepared for the new responsibility that is another life. And just like any human, dogs will also need time out of your busy schedule to be looked after.

The good news is we’ve covered everything you need to know when adding a puppy to your family.

Puppy-proof your home

Before you bring home your new puppy, you need a few essential things to get your home ‘puppy’ ready. Where you can, do your best to make every area as puppy-proof as possible. New puppies are curious, which loosely translates to destructive. This can be very frustrating for you, so getting ahead of the game and preparing is better. Here are a few tips you can do:

  • Hide all electrical cords as best as possible
  • Lock any low-level cabinets they may contain food or any harmful chemicals
  • Keep your houseplants high on bench tops
  • Any laundry, small items, or your favourite shoes out of reach.

The number one thing you can do is to supervise them at all times. Keep your puppy in a crate while you’re away, but don’t be gone for more than a couple of hours. A new puppy shouldn’t get an open house until it is older and properly trained.

Supplies, supplies, supplies, supplies

Yep. You’ll need plenty of doggy supplies when you bring home your new Labradoodle. But keep it simple to start with, and don’t bring anything unnecessary. Not sure what those essential items are? Here’s what we would recommend:

  • Dog leash
  • Adjustable collar with ID tags
  • Dog Bowl
  • Puppy food
  • A simple dog bed
  • Dog crate
  • 3-4 simple dog toys
  • Grooming items such as a brush and comb

As your Labradoodle ages, you’ll realise they need more items. However, these items should do the trick to get you up and running.

Raise your puppy like it was your own child

All puppies will need special care in their infancy to ensure they grow up healthy and happy.Here are the exact steps you should take to guarantee this occurs:

  • Choose a healthy diet specific for your Labradoodle and size
  • Start house training the second you get into the house. Just be aware that this may take weeks or even months
  • Start small obedience training and remember to be patient and consistent. Take it light-heartedly and not too heavy; let your puppy still be a puppy!
  • Take them out to the dog park and meet other dogs. Socialising is very important for dogs, and it’s equally important for them to see new sights, sounds, smells, and other people, too.
  • Establish a routine that includes exercise
  • Stay on schedule with routine vet visits & vaccines
  • Take some time to bond and play with your puppy

Don’t forget to groom!

Don’t forget your dog will need beauty days, too. Start the process as soon as you bring them home. Grooming includes trimmings, brushing their teeth and coats, trimming their nails, and bathing them. You can hire a professional groomer if you’re too lazy to do it on your own. But we’d strongly advise you to get involved as it helps bond with your pet, and it’s easier for you to get them to remain still.

Bathing your puppy can be a chore, so be prepared with towels (lots of towels) and slowly introduce them to the water and shampoo.Everything becomes easier once your puppy is settled into a grooming routine. Finally, brushing their teeth can seem odd, but protecting their teeth and mouth goes a long way.

Of course, there are plenty of other valuable tips and tricks for raising your new puppy, but we think this is the bare minimum you need to know.

If you’re looking to adopt a puppy from us here at Oodlepups, you can check out the link to our adoption page below.

I want to adopt a new puppy!
