Why labradoodles are the best dogs.

Introduction A Labradoodle (Pronounced ‘Best Dog Breed Ever’) is a designer dog that was first bred by mating a Standard Poodle with a Labrador Retriever. In Australia, these dogs are increasingly becoming popular at the dog park. They’re loved by thousands of Aussie families across the country because they’re a happy, active, friendly, & warm-hearted […]
Puppy Enrichment ideas – Bust the boredom

Introduction Mental stimulation and exercise are essential for all dogs. But it could never be more accurate than with a Labradoodle. If you know someone who owns a Labradoodle, they’ll all tell you one thing. These dogs are incredibly intelligent. Labradoodles display a higher-than-average intelligence over other dogs. That means you’ll need to be just […]
Everything you need to know when adding a puppy to your family

Introduction So, you’ve just brought home your first puppy. You’re excited, your partner is enthusiastic, and the kids are bouncing off the walls. Everyone is so happy that a new family member is in the house. And guess what? So is the puppy! But it doesn’t take long before those happy faces are wiped away […]